Importantly, the ability to analyze and draw
Conclusions. Do you want to use data effectively in your companyContact us and our Top of The Game e-commerce team will help you break the ceiling! What is Big DataDefinition The term Big Data came into use in the late th century. However, the definition we know today was formulated in , in a report by Gartner . It says that Big Data is a large amount of information that comes from various sources and has various forms, e.g. social media posts, server logs, signals from IoT devices Internet of Things, geolocation, medical data, e-commerce transactions and many,many others. How does Big Data workHow to analyze large sets of data and information was considered already in the s. It was then thought that to process Big Data, a special computer was needed to Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Number segregate information and draw conclusions. Today we know that the use of Big Data in marketing or other fields is completely different. HowFirst of all, the data is stored online. However, to make this possible, it was necessary to create new solutions and software. Currently, Apache Hadoop programs, the Stratosphere project, NoSQL databases, cloud technologies and the Cloud Computing model are key to the operation of Big Data. The principles of operation of Big Data are often described using three Vs. They mean: Volume Polish: volumethis V refers to large amounts of data; Variety Polish: diversityrefers to the variety of data;
Velocity Polish: speedrefers to the speed of generating and processing data. Two non-standard categories are increasingly being added to the three basic Vs. The first one is value. It refers to the usefulness and value of the processed data. The second is veracity understood as truthfulness. It speaks about the reliability of data, i.e. it indicates their accuracy and degree of credibility. What is the use of Big Data in marketingNowadays, Big Data affects many areas. It is used in business, science and public administration. It is also of great importance in marketing, where it is primarily used to plan more precise activities. In practice, this means that it allows, among other things, for segmenting .