Dynamics graph Traffic to the created filter pages grew in parallel with traffic to the main pages of categories, articles and brands, and began to bring in approximately 6,000 sessions per month. Traffic growth The traffic on these pages is very converting: during the period of cooperation, it led to 3,000 transactions worth millions of hryvnias.
The transaction ratio for organic traffic was 3.73%, although the overall transaction ratio was 1.57%. Created filter pages for small clusters of requests convert traffic into sales 2 times Mobile Phone Number better. E-commerce data The income from organic traffic before the move to Khorozhop amounted to UAH 141,000 for 141 transactions.A pleasant moment was that the Khorosop platform allows you to save the old urls during the transfer of the site.

This functionality helped save time on the task of writing 301 redirects from old urls to new ones. Closure from indexing of junk pages One of the main tasks that our specialists faced was to remove a huge number of garbage pages from the search results left over from the old site.he pages appeared as a result of intersections of filter pages, as well as catalog grouping pages, not closed from indexing. Since the site is very large, there were tens of thousands of such garbage pages.