just as desktop and mobile have done. But I personally don't use voice search that much. I think I would like to do more experiments in the future. I've always been a bit skeptical, but I love the concept of voice-driven devices. Ideally, you'd want Google Assistant to clean your house, cook dinner, and say "welcome home" after a hard day at the office. Maybe it will be done in the future, but it will take a few more years. seo-jo-150-150 Joshua Panter atom42 SEO Specialist Voice search is all the rage, but there are still hurdles in getting people comfortable using it outdoors and talking into their devices in public. If it works properly, voice search will provide added convenience, and the number of searches driven by voice search will increase where the search results are conversational in nature.
Given this importance, I think Google sees voice search as an opportunity to appear in more parts of the user journey. Greater acceptance will provide Google with more information and insight into search behavior and use India Phone Number needs, creating a nearly seamless relationship between users and Google. I'm already an avid Google Assistant user on my smartphone, using it for reminders, timers, information, etc., but I haven't purchased Google Home yet.

So I'm torn between skeptics and early adopters. I think Google Assistant is very useful, but I'm not too crazy about having a stationary device in my room since I have mobile devices that do pretty much the same thing. joshua-panther-150-150 This article is a translation of " New Horizons: Online Experts Weigh in On Google Home and Voice Search " published on Searchmetrics . What did you think? As someone who works in the SEO industry myself, I believe that "voice search" is an area that needs to be considered.