With Canva Pro, you have access to millions of premium images and graphic elements from Canva s own image library or assets. Pretty neat, right? Related Check out the Blog Shop for Canva templates for social media and Pinterest graphics, eBooks, workbooks, media kits, and more TRY CANVA PRO Adobe While Canva can take care of many of your blogging needs, such as creating blog and social media graphics, there are other times when a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud might come in handy. For example, I use Photoshop all the time to create Canva template product images and mockups for my Canva template shop.
If you re interested in selling Canva templates, up for an Adobe Creative photo editing servies Cloud, or at least, an Adobe Photography plan includes Photoshop and Lightroom for only $ . per month Try Adobe Photography plan to use Photoshop and Lightroom at $ . per month only, or Sign up for the entire Adobe Creative Cloud suit. Try -days free trial below TRY ADOBE Other Resources Creative Market.

This marketplace is full of high-quality graphic design elements, as well as templates and custom fonts. If you want to add some jazz in your designs, Creative Market is the place to go looking for unique design resources. Moyo Studio I love their stock images and Photoshop mockups, and use them all the time for creating blog graphics and Canva template product images.