How to run and promote a channel in Telegram - tips and methods.” Livestream This is a great way to interact with your audience. Select topics that will be of interest to your target audience - the topic of the broadcast should be related to the topic of your Telegram channel. Invite experts to serve as speakers and share valuable knowledge with your audience. To increase the number of participants, pay special attention to advertising the webinar. Advertising can be done in telegram channels, in communities on social networks and using target. But this already applies to paid methods. This will help your company become more visible and attract real subscribers to your telegram channel.
Collaborate with other channels Collaboration with other telegram channels can help you find subscribers to your telegram channel for free. To find suitable channels that have a similar topic to yours, use special Web Development Services services or simply search for them in Telegram using keywords. Once you find a suitable channel, you can offer cooperation to its owner. This could be exchanging advertisements or mentioning each other in content, holding joint events, etc. Before offering cooperation, get to know the channel and its audience.

Make sure that the cooperation will be mutually beneficial. To analyze channel statistics in Telegram, it is convenient to use datafan_bot. You can also use “connective content” tactics, creating content that will be interesting to both your audience and the audience of other channels. If your channel is dedicated to healthy lifestyle, you can create a post about healthy eating and mention the channel about fitness. And don't forget that interacting with followers and responding to comments can also help you reach new audiences. Be active and responsive and your channel will grow. Mutual PR is one of the methods.