本帖最後由 rakibhasan12317 於 2024-1-31 13:19 編輯
Previously, this platform was considered difficult to promote, since most users used it to communicate, transfer files, and read news. but things weren’t going well with actual lead generation, and it didn’t become a mass phenomenon—the focus was on other channels. Telegram was used as part of the omnichannel strategy, as an additional channel of interaction, but not the main one.bloggers and small businesses moved to Telegram, using it by analogy with a social network with pictures - as a gallery for demonstrating products. Medium and large businesses, including B2B, followed suit.
Despite the fact that B2B promotion has its difficulties on any Asia Mobile Number List platform, the advantage of Telegram is an adult, conscious and solvent audience. The formation of this audience was facilitated by the growth in the number of news and specialized channels of interest to both the mass audience and narrowly specialized specialists. This led to the growth of the B2B segment and the use of Telegram as a lead generation or outreach channel. Where can B2B companies find working channels, mechanics and promotion tools? We tried to answer this question in our article .

Competition with VKontakte Telegram successfully competes not only with WhatsApp or Viber, but also with the Russian social network VKontakte. Despite the fact that Telegram was created 7 years later, the user base of the social network exceeds Telegram by only 60%. Telegram and VKontakte audience in Russia Expert comment: Another factor in the growing interest in the messenger is the personal brand of Pavel Durov, who previously launched the popular VKontakte network and later successfully sold it.