The time to read it aloud be satisfied? In other words, sentences with too much information will lose the target's interest, and sentences with too little information will not satisfy the target. It can be said that Momotaro had an exquisite amount of writing in this area. What are the ways to attract readers? What do you think of the content of "Momotaro"? What is the reason for its popularity? If your target audience is reading your content and you are interested in it, you are meeting their needs.
What are the needs of “Momotaro”? For children, who are the main target Phone Number List audience, the depiction of peaches flowing from the river, the onomatopoeic words ``donburako, donburako'', the idea of a boy coming out of a peach, and the coolness of exterminating demons stand out. It seems that. Adults (parents and teachers) who read books also have a need to expect the effects, as there is information that reading aloud is good for children's development and education. These needs that the target is aware of and are seeking are called [manifest needs] .
On the other hand, there are other reasons for seeking manifest needs, even if we are not consciously aware of them. This is called [latent needs] . Momotaro has a simple story and doesn't have many characters. He is born from a peach, gives him millet dumplings, takes dogs and monkeys with him, slays demons, and brings back treasure. Children who listen without twists and turns are more likely to understand the story, so they are more likely to support it. From an adult's perspective, the story of ``Momotaro'' provides an example of filial piety and success in life.