For example, when people from many countries see a pictogram depicting a fork and knife, they probably think of a ``restaurant'' or ``restaurant.'' However, people from countries whose culture does not use forks and knives for meals may find it difficult to understand that this signifies a restaurant. In this way, if we look around the world, we need to be aware that there are differences in interpretation and understanding due to cultural differences. Examples of how pictograms are used in web and homepage production Let's take a look at in what situations and for what purposes pictograms are actually used in web and homepage production. Please try to develop a concrete image. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us.
Please contact us for a free consultation cell phone numbers list or inquiry . Use as an icon It is often used as an icon on websites and homepages. For example, by placing a "magnifying glass" pictogram on a search link on your site, users can easily predict that the link destination is a search function. Additionally, smartphones, especially those with smaller screens than PCs, are limited in the amount of information that can be displayed at one time. In such cases, usability can be greatly improved by using pictograms in places where users are asked to take action, such as links or form submit buttons. Pictograms are also used to explain the content more clearly, especially when there is a large amount of text information.

For example, you can highlight questions in an article with a "question mark" and solutions with a "light bulb symbol," or put a pictogram with a pattern like "clip and notebook" in the summary section. , you can make it easy to read and make it easy for users to understand at a glance, ``This is what's written here!'' Therefore, by making good use of pictograms, users who only want to know the main points can save the trouble of reading long texts from end to end, and companies can quickly guide users and deliver the necessary information. Masu. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . Use as an illustration For example, I often see people using pictograms in their content to create an illustration-like feel, instead of using photos or images.