Partially this can be done on your own (for example, optimizing images), partially optimization can be done by the site developer (optimizing js scripts, site styles). It is advisable to carry out work to optimize page loading speed once every - months , since the requirements of search engines for optimization and site code are periodically reviewed , and if nothing is done, the scores will gradually fall.
proizvoditelnost_sajtov_v_pagespeed_insight Website usability usability_sajtov Speaking of usability, I would like to see sites make their home
increasing its usability for users. During the audit, Afghanistan WhatsApp Number we saw that on % of the analyzed sites, on the first screen of mobile devices it is not even clear to the user what site he has landed on and what is being offered to him here. This problem is eliminated through a more competent layout of blocks and the use of clear and understandable USPs. Although this task is non-trivial and largely strategic, it is worth understanding that without trying to beat competitors in the convenience of the site, it is impossible to beat them in search results. among the online

stores in the sample, sites or % have a shopping cart. Of them: pokazateli_e-commerce What to do: If your site is one of the % of niche sites that do not have a shopping cart and the ability to place an order online, you need to plan to implement this functionality on the site - this is an excellent point of online growth . If you already use a shopping cart on your website to collect orders, it is worth analyzing how well it is configured. During the audit, we saw a large number of sites with errors in the ordering process, unnecessary fields to fill out in the cart that reduce conversion.